Monday was a baaaaad day. The computer that runs the schedule blew up in Dr. Octopus’ face, causing minor burns to one of his tentacles.
In the ensuing chaos, we made changes. You’ll notice the high frequencies in the stream are no longer crushed by coming through an FM radio signal. The program is now direct-to-stream! We hope you enjoy that improvement which was an unplanned by-produce of recovery and salvage operations!
The computer had to be replaced and the new one configured: that took a while. During that time, the stream was on backup which meant the programming schedule was blown, and there was no Fourth Tower of Inverness.
Monday and Tuesday’s episodes of The Fourth Tower were combined, and ran on the normal schedule Tuesday.
Now that everything has changed, we’ll be changing some more. Look for some new alternate programming streams at different bit rates arriving just in time for Christmas!