KXP1 Boulder studios 1A and 1B are now ready for action. We’ll now work on filling that pipeline.
KXP1’s “Freedom Radio” stream is still sucking due to the software that runs it. Unfortunately, we, and you, will have to live with it a while longer. We wish it was as reliable as the software Dr. Octopus wrote for Radio InfoWeb! It’s so not. Nonetheless, we will be taking on regional program producers to help fill this stream and displace time now taken up by News and Liberty Radio.
KXP1 is now originating “Radio InfoWeb West”. This is a variant of Radio InfoWeb where the morning “drive-time” is adjusted for the Left Coast (Pacific Time) as opposed to the main stream, that’s New York time. Radio InfoWeb West should be available as a stream very shortly. This feed DOES use Dr. Octopus’ software, and so we expect it to be extremely reliable.