You Missed Morning Emissions AGAIN?!?

Morning Emissions rode again this morning from about 7:30am to a little after 9am Eastern (we started a half hour early). In addition to the wake-and-bake, and salutes-to-coffee, we listened to some awesome Jazz, some Pop Funk, and some Space Prog… and shared our waking consciousness.

My producer Minka made me write this, but seriously, usually we’re having too much fun to post to the blog or even tweeter. So what are you doing reading the same old junk and looking at cat pictures when you could be listening to some awesome morning wake-and-bake fun (while you read the same old junk and look at cat pictures)? This is 2014! Wake up… and tune in to Internet radio. Tune into, and get your dose of, Morning Emissions. Most mornings. 8-9 New York time, and rebroadcast most of the time at around 11AM. Sometimes later. Till then!


Election Results Live Tonight 7pm-12pm ET

Hear live election reports on Radio InfoWeb’s main streams tonight from 7pm-12pm Eastern. Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzales, and Rex Latchford host the coverage. Regular music programming can be heard on the World and Chill channels, and Radio InfoWeb KXP1 will be streaming regularly scheduled programming.

Visit the website: to listen, or use TuneIn on various platforms.

Virgin’s SpaceshipTwo Crashes In Mojave – Extended Coverage

Radio InfoWeb is providing extended coverage of the crash of Virgin Galactic’s SpaceshipTwo in the Mojave Desert a couple of hours ago. There was at least one fatality and one serious injury.

The coverage is alongside regular programming. Stay tuned to Radio InfoWeb’s main stream for the latest.

Radio InfoWeb, the Galaxy’s most important (Terran) radio station!

Testing AAC encoded stream

For apple-heads that are having trouble listening because nothing but AAC is working for them, or for those who would like to experiment, we’re testing a 64K AAC stream. If you have comments, please make them here on this post.

64K AAC Stream (low bandwidth)


This will almost certainly NOT work if you are using Internet Exploiter (Explorer browser), or if you are using a player that does not support AAC. AAC is an encoding type beloved by Apple. Other than that, if it doesn’t work for you, it could be down, so don’t sweat the small stuff. Again, please leave a comment to this post!

People’s Climate March Live Coverage 9/21

Sunday (Sept. 21) Radio InfoWeb broadcast live coverage of the People’s Climate March in New York City, part of a global mobilization in advance of a U.N. special session on climate change. Coverage started 10:30am Eastern and ended at 1:30pm Eastern with Amy Goodman and her broadcast team at Democracy Now!

Streams the broadcast was heard on:

  • 128K mp3 (Asia, Europe, and US streams)
  • 48K vorbis “mobile” (Asia, Europe, and US streams)

Listen to Democracy Now! The war and peace report: one hour of non-lamestream news, every weekday at 2pm Eastern on Radio InfoWeb!

Amsterdam Server for Listeners in Europe

(128K MP3)
Mobile (low bandwidth)
(48K Ogg/Vorbis)
Deep Space Chill
(96K Ogg/Vorbis)
Freedom Radio KXP1
(48K Ogg/Vorbis)

Here are the URLs for entry into your phone or apps (we recommend Tunein for iOS and Android):

  • Main Stream:
  • Mobile Stream:
  • Chill Stream:
  • KXP1 Stream:

The HOTTEST Newscast Ever

This DW newscast was broadcast at the climax of this morning’s “Morning Emissions” on Radio InfoWeb…

Listener Gary texted: ” I was.swirving down the road. ” [sic]

What more could be said? Here’s a clip of the climactic end of the show (will be posted in its’ entirety)…

Hottest Newscast Ever – during Morning Emissions

Morning Emissions is heard live from 8am to 9am Eastern time on Radio InfoWeb.

Photos of DW Newscastress Samantha Early:

Samantha Early on Facebook

Share Radio InfoWeb on Facebook

There’s a new way to share Radio InfoWeb on Facebook…

With an embedded player that appears in your post, making it easier than ever to listen.

Now you can share a good moment of music on our live main stream along with your comments. Click here to share or learn more:

For most ease of use, be logged into Facebook before clicking the link above.

4 Streams 4 Your Head

There are four streams to choose from using the players on our main page:

Radio InfoWeb (Streaming Live from 1-A in NYC)

Deep Space Chill (Streaming Live from Space)

Radio InfoWeb KXP1 (Streaming Live from Boulder, CO)

Radio InfoWeb World (Streaming Live from G-32 in NYC)

  • Radio InfoWeb and Radio InfoWeb World feature freeform radio with a bias towards proggy and fusion music. Featuring Rex, Gus, Ashlar, and Tyrone.
  • KXP1-FM and is information for your head.
  • Deep Space Chill is dark ambient chill instrumental for projecting your consciousness into deep space.